Starry Skies in the Basement
• James Hedberg
An Article from 1975

The Marshak Building was called the 'New Science and Physical Education' before it was renamed after Robert Marshak, Physicist and President of CCNY, from 1970–1979. There was much fanfare over the building, and its hidden gem in the basement, the CCNY Planetarium. Here's the full text from the article in the March 7, 1975 issue of The Campus, the CCNY student newspaper.
Basement houses starry skies
By Merrel Finkler
It will not be long before the College's students will be able to learn the wonders of the universe. Although not many students know about it, there is a planetarium in Room JOlO of the New Science and Physical Education Building.
The Planetarium, which is run by Chi Yuan (Physics) has been used for physics, astronomy, and education classes since it opened approximately 18 months ago.
Yuan is currently working with a graduate student Steve Rothenberg, who is enrolled in an independent studies course in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department. Rothenberg is preparing tapes for the planetarium which will include music and narration for various shows. So far, he's completed one tape on the constellations, and plans to make three or four more tapes.
The planetarium, which has proved an extremely successful teaching aid in the Physics and Astronomy departments, is also used in teacher education courses. The prospective teachers gain information about astronomy, as well as learn to make use of a planetarium in teaching. They learn to operate equipment and produce programs.
Yuan plans to hire an expert on planetariums to maintain the equipment. At the present time, the department has a technician for the planetarium; however, Yuan explained, it cannot be properly maintained without professional help.
Yuan hopes to open the planetarium to the whole College and the community before the end of the semester, when the series of tapes is completed.