Custom Constellations (How to)

You can create your own custom constellation art. Here's how.
A vintage Orion drawing from Urania's Mirror, based on Alexander Jamieson's A Celestial Atlas.


You can create your own custom constellation art. Here's how.

Video Example:


Download the asset zip file below. Unzip and place in your user assets folder. (user/data/assets/custom-constellations). Add the asset by dragging and dropping the file custom-constellation-art.asset into the window, or by including in a profile. To create your own set, you will need to first gather the images you want to use and put them in the img/ folder that is included. Then you will need to edit the csv file to use your images. The hard part is aligning everything up. To do that you can adjust the scale and rotation of the images in the OpenSpace Gui and then copy those values into the correct columns in the csv data file.

The custom-constellation-art.asset file can be left alone, and the only editing required will be to the custom-constellation_data.csv file and the img/ directory.

Also note, this method was designed to make it easy to do many constellation files automatically. If you are just doing 1 or 2, then there probably are more straightforward, but less automated approaches.

Download Link

ZIP file download

Date Added: 2024-01-20

Tested with OS Version: 19.0

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