Toggle Night Layer based on Camera

When close the surface, the night layer makes the ground just look all yellow. This event asset will auto toggle the night light layer when the camera has 'reached' the Earth, i.e. when it's near the surface. It will show the night layer again when the camera has receded from the surface.
Auto toggle night light layers


When close the surface, the night layer makes the ground just look all yellow. This event asset will auto toggle the night light layer when the camera has 'reached' the Earth, i.e. when it's near the surface. It will show the night layer again when the camera has receded from the surface.

Video Example:


Download the asset zip file below. Unzip and place in your user events folder. (user/data/events/toggle_nightlayer). Add the asset by dragging and dropping the main file into the window, or by including it in a profile. Now, when you are close to the surface, the low-res glowing yellow ground will be faded away. It will return as you leave the surface (determined by Earth reach setting).

Download Link

Asset file download

Date Added: 2023-12-07

Tested with OS Version: 19.0

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