Trails for the Capstone Mission

The trajectory of the Capstone Lunar mission. Trails can be shown in both the Earth and Moon frames of reference. Also has a marker billboard and a dot are included to show the position.
Capstone Orbit.


The trajectory of the Capstone Lunar mission. Trails can be shown in both the Earth and Moon frames of reference. Also has a marker billboard and a dot are included to show the position.


Download the asset zip file below. Unzip and place in your user assets folder. (user/data/assets/capstone). Add the asset by dragging and dropping the file capstone.asset into the window, or by including in a profile. The asset properties are found in the GUI under Solar System/Missions. The moon frame trail is loaded by default.

Download Link

ZIP file download

Date Added: 2023-06-12

Tested with OS Version: 18.0

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